A Vintage Silver Wheelbarrow Pin Cushion

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Product Information

A beautifully crafted vintage silver pin cushion in the form of a wheelbarrow. A great gift for a gardener.

Dimensions: L 4.5 x H 1.5 cm  Weight: 5 grams

Please note this is a vintage piece and there is only one available so once it is gone, it is gone!

Pin cushions date back to the 16th century when pins were rare and expensive and would be stored in wooden or metal cases. During the Industrial Revolution pins became more widely available and didn’t need to be shut securely away.  It was the Victorians who introduced novelty silver pin cushion designs, in the form of shoes, animals and birds, fruit and more and this later reproduction of a wheelbarrow draws its origins from the Victorian era.  Pin cushions have become highly collectable, both for their charm and their practicality.

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